Monday, 4 July 2011

Sewing Club Successes

Without fully considering the enormity of the challenge that lay ahead, I offered to lead an after-school sewing club for 5 to 7 year-olds.  I know what you’re thinking!!!

The first few weeks were slow-going (I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I used the phrase ‘one step forwards, FIVE steps back’)!

However, at the risk of sounding ever-so cheesy, I have to say that I REALLY admired the girls’ enthusiasm for sewing, and the concentration and determination they put into learning something new.  I learnt something from THEM in that respect!

Considering how slow progress was at the start of the term, I was REALLY proud of the girls’ finished projects!  So, I thought I’d show you the little bookmarks they made.....

Aren’t they cute!!!

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