Thursday, 15 December 2011

Christmas is Coming!!!

I LOVE Christmas!!!  And I LOVE getting out all our decorations and ‘Christmasifying’ the house every year! 

I’d really like to be able to invite you all (my wonderful blogging pals) over for a glühwein and a mince pie, and show you around.  But, as that’s not possible, I thought I’d share a few of my bits and pieces of Christmas jolliness with you ‘virtually’ instead.....

Can you guess what my favourite colour is?

I hope all your Christmas preparations are going well, and that you’ve been watching plenty of Christmas movies!!!

Until next time.....




  1. i love your festive decorations! such lovely treasures you have ;0) it red by any chance ? hehe...i love the greens and reds and whites at christmas...merry festive blessings x

  2. Lovely Christmas decorations!! No worries, I'll have plenty of mince pie and gluhwein on my own!

  3. Ohmegosh!!
    I am in LOVE with all your Christmas decorations!
    Sooooooo gorgeous!
    Nearly the weekend- yayyyyy!!

  4. Ooooo I love the advent house, and the red and white tree decorations are super the way what do "Mice" pies taste like? ;) x

  5. Beautiful! I absolutely adore that little elf with the pointed hat and scarf in the last picture.

    Hmmm,favourite colour, hmmm, Millefeuilles goes off scratching her head, um, green? or maybe purple, certainly not red anyway!

  6. Ooo! I love the dollies and angels. Lots of beautiful redness going on. I want to come and steal them, after having a mince pie and lovely drink, hee hee. xxx


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