Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Rainbow Buttons

I LOVE buttons!!! 

Whenever I visited my grandparents as a little girl (and I visited often – they lived opposite us), I ALWAYS had to get out Nan’s button tin.  It was an old Quality Street tin, full to the brim with beautiful buttons.  I loved to empty them all out on the table and just ‘sort’ them – by colour, by size, by what they were made from, by how much I liked them, by how many holes they had, by whether or not they had shanks.....

When I visit my grandparents now, I still sometimes get the tin out!

Only, now I’m big (and crafty), I also have my VERY OWN button collection.  And I get to sort buttons whenever the mood takes me – which it often does.

I got my buttons out the other day, and picked out all the most colourful ones.  Then I laid them out in rainbow formation, and took some photos.  And, as I think some of you may be button-lovers too, I thought I’d share my snaps with you.....

Does anyone out there like playing with buttons every now and again???




  1. Hi sweet Carly! Thank you so much for visiting me and your very sweet and loving words! I am so grateful sweetie! Your blog is lovely and I look forward to visiting with you! Oh, what sweet memories you have with your nan's buttons! I love your pretty rainbow colours! I just received some vintage buttons today that I ordered from Etsy. I love to play with buttons too! I hope you have a lovely day! xo~ Paula

  2. The colours look gorgous set out together like that all grouped xxx I've just started gathering buttons from recycled stuff and can understand the love of buttons :)

  3. Booo hoo hoooooooo!
    I want a lovely rainbow collection like this.
    My button collection is growing, but isn't this pretty- I seem to have a lot of those random brown, uninspiring ones!!

    There's something very lovely about rifling through a button collection, isn't there?!
    Lovely post.

  4. gorgeous colours. my grandchildren love to get my buttons out and my middle granddaughter is attracted to shiny ones!

  5. It seems that everyone's Nana kept their buttons in either a Quality Street or a Toffee tin!

    I wish I could find one now!

  6. totally sharing the button love ...yum!

  7. Hi Carly. what a beautiful collection of colourful buttons. Images like this make the sunshine on what really is a dull, rainy day. Glad I found you here. Love Katie xx

  8. There is just something about buttons...they are just the cutest things ever...I guess that is why they say "cute as a button"
    Thank you for your sweet comment you left me on my blog the other day. xoxoxo

  9. Ooooo I love these pictures!!! I love buttons too, and especially like playing in my vintage button jar!

  10. One of my most favourite past-times on a rainy day as a child was to ask my mum if I could look through the button box. This was a very large tin with every type of button imaginable that had been collected by my Nanna and my mum from 1930 to 1970 ... brimming with beautiful vintage buttons .... I would do anything to get my hands on this button box ... but in a moment of madness she threw it out when she was moving ... I am still heartbroken to this day!

    Fleur xx


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