Monday, 2 April 2012

Signs of Spring Along the Rhein

Just before we left on our little trip to the UK, we went for a walk along the Rhein.  I took my camera with me, with the intention of snapping any ‘signs of spring’ I spotted along our route.  I also took a few piccies of the river and the old part of our village.  Here are a couple of my favourites.....

Since we’ve been back in the UK, spring has REALLY arrived.  The weather has been (mostly) glorious, there are daffodils everywhere, and the trees are already looking very green and leafy.  

I’m hoping that Germany will have caught up with Britain in its level of ‘springiness’ when we get back home.  I’m enjoying all this greenness and – more importantly - I want to test-drive the summery frock and cardigan I picked up at M&S today!  Fingers crossed!!!



P.S.  Thank you all SO much for your lovely comments about my last post.  You’ve given my knitting-confidence a real boost!!!  ♥    


  1. aww i love spring! everything looks like its waking up :)

  2. Oh to be able to visit and walk these paths! Since I cannot, I am so glad you posted this loveliness, Carly ;-)

  3. hi again! No not devon, i live in Suffolk which is the East Coast, a place called Felixstowe :)

  4. Hello sweet Carly! Your photos are beautiful! I love spring and I am so glad you enjoyed all its beauties in England! I hope when you return to Germany it will be as beautiful! I look forward to seeing your frock and cardigan! I hope you can wear it soon! You knitting was perfect and so beautiful! You really did a wonderful job and I love how you modeled it! xo~ Paula

  5. Beautiful spring photos! I especially love the flower pics!

    Your knitting was awesome, and I can't wait to see what you knit next! Maybe I could gain some of your knitting skills through osmosis?!

  6. lovely blog,I'll be happy if you check out mine :9

  7. England is very beautiful this time of year with all the daffs and blossom ,i love seing everthing springing into life xx

  8. Oh how lovely....I am still waiting for sunny weather to come our has been raining for months. I would so love to be in the UK right now. Happy Easter to you.

  9. So very happy to see signs of spring! :)

  10. Lovely pics.
    I love spring too!


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