Sunday, 27 May 2012

Grannies Galore

Last month, I excitedly did a ‘show and tell’ of my first ever crocheted granny square.  Well, like with most new crafty activities I try, I'm now well-and-truly addicted!!!

And, as with all my other crafty activities, one of my favourite parts of the process is putting together the colours.  How many different combos could I conjure up from 7 colours of yarn, using 4 for each square?  Well, I could work in out precisely.  But I think it’s adequate to just say LOTS AND LOTS ANLOTS! Yippeeeeee!!!

So far, I’ve made 13.  Here are some of my favourites:

I still haven’t decided 100% on what I’m going to do with all my grannies.  In my head, I'm picturing a big, colourful blanket.  But I’m going to need a fair few more if I stick to that plan.  I think I’ll just keep on making them until I get bored, and see how far I get.....

By the way, can anyone explain (or point me towards a good video that can explain) what I should do with the ends after I cut them and pull them through?  I’m just wrapping them around and around, but I think there must be a neater, ‘proper’ way of doing it.  I’d be really grateful for any tips!

Right now, I’m also working on another crochet project.  It’s very exciting indeed, as it’s my first try at crocheting something other than grannies!  I’m joining in with Sarah’s wonderful crochet-a-long over at Annaboo’s House.  If you enjoy crocheting, or if you’re a beginner (like me), and fancy trying something fun, you should definitely join in!  By playing along, you can make either a cat, a monkey or a doll.  Can you guess which one I’m working on???

Off to grab my hook and do another granny square.....

Hope you're all enjoying lovely, warm days and beautiful, blue skies wherever you are!  




  1. Hello Carly,
    Gorgeous many combinations.Ahhhh another one joins the crochet addicts ranks eh!!!
    I usually sew the ends in ...or rather just thread then through with a needle....mind you I shall be watching out to see if anyone suggested any other way because the threads are a real pain!!!
    Can I invite you to follow my blog Carly? Should you like to do so please click on the Google connect followers sign on my blog.

    Amanda :-)

  2. Hi Carly. Your granny squares look brilliant. Have a look at this tutorial on Attic 24 blog in regards with what to do with your ends. It saves a lot more time at the end as I HATE sewing in the ends. I love the colours you have. What yarn are you using? X

  3. oooh Carly I love the colour combinations!! I learnt to crochet a few weeks ago and after making a couple of granny squares I thought I knew what I was doing. Then I became distracted by sewing ....
    Today (3 weeks later) I had an opportunity to crochet and quess what .... I've forgotten how to do it :( :( :(

  4. Oh Carly, your grannies are stunning! You have a lovely crochet style and they look so neat and perfect. I love the colours you're using. Can't wait to see what you create with them. I now use a needle to thread my ends through. In the beginning I used to cut my ends too short which meant my work came undone later (which you don't want!!!). Leave them nice and long and thread them through as far as you need to before snipping any little ends you have poking out.

    Have fun!

  5. Those cheerful granny squares have such beautiful colors, you can get away with using cheap yarn because the colors look so good together.
    I had cut up allot of our unwanted clothing in the family into granny squares a while ago and had taken some denim granny squares to cover some dinner chairs, the cushion parts, and I sewed little crochet squares in the middle of the denim to break the monotony, it looked really cute.
    I've also made a denim pouch from old jeans for my Tracfone smart phone LG500G so that I don't get the touch screen scratched, I then cut up my hubbies old torn beige check shirt to get a giraffe motive to sewn on the denim pouch. It's great to get a new creative item out of old discarded stuff.

  6. These look fantastic! Love the colors! Looks like you're getting some good advice about what to do with the ends. I thread the ends on a needle, flip the granny square to the "back" and start weaving the yarn in and through the stitches, trying mostly to do so within the same color yarn to secure it, then cut the remainder. To really make it secure sometimes I like to change the direction of sewing it in, like start going one way, and then sew up or back in the same direction, if that makes sense. It's the absolute worst part, but after awhile you'll get into a good groove with it, and it will go faster!

  7. Hello sweet Carly, Your granny squares look fabulous!!! Love the colors you used too. Like you, I love picking out the colors. I have to try making a granny square! Thank you for the inspiration sweetie! I look forward to seeing more! Have a beautiful week! Love, Paula xo

  8. Hi Carly!
    Your granny squares are looking lovely. How about a cushion cover? ;)

  9. I love them all though if I had to pick a favourite it would have to be the third one down - gorgeous colours.

    Nina xxx

  10. Those look great! The yarn gives off great texture and definition, and the olours are fab!!! I can't wait to see the end-product!

  11. Yay, Carly! They are gorgeous! My fav is the red border/red inside. I really, really need to get on this. I'm having granny-square envy... ;)

  12. This was like reading myself a couple of weeks ago when I made my first granny square :-))) So far I«ve made about 58 and decided to make a blanket ot of it. I hope I don't give up...

  13. ok so feeling so inspired by your post that i just ordered a crochet set!!! Love yours posts carly i sit down with a cuppa and enjoy them when the kids are having a nap!!! love and crafting hugs, victoria

  14. Hey Carly, well done on getting into the your grannies, the last one in particular, but the colours are all so bright and cheery. Maybe you could make a cushion with you say rugs need a lot of squares.

    It's rather addictive crochet, so be warned. If you haven't already discovered Lucy over at Attic 24, pay her a visit. She has some great crochet tutorials and crochets amazing things...

    CLaire :}


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