Friday, 18 May 2012

Something Lovely to Share.....

Hello, my lovely blogging friends! 

Thank you for stopping by for a visit!!!

I've never shared a video on my blog before, but I think this one's something REALLY wonderful and special.  I'm not a soppy person at all, but this video gave me goosebumps!  Imagine getting on the train in the morning, grudgingly making your way to work, and then experiencing this.....

  [by CPHPHIL]

Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!   

Happy weekend to you all.....




  1. Hello sweet Carly! Oh, I LOVED this! Thank you so much for sharing! Not only did it give me goosebumps too, but had me teary eyed! If I had been on that train, I would have balled for certain! When I was having tests, before my open-heart surgery at the Mayo Clinic, I enjoyed the volunteers that sing, play the piano and other instruments most of the day. It is really beautiful and so touching, especially for patients and their families that are under a great deal of stress and facing so much. I know those feelings so well! It was nice to stop for a moment and take in the beauty these people shared to brighten our day. I love acts of kindness! Thank you for being so kind and for your very lovely comment! Have a beautiful weekend! Love, Paula xo

  2. oh you so brightened up my dreary Friday! what fun xx

  3. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I would love a pair of strawberry booties for myself too! I have been searching Ravelry for a strawberry slipper pattern.

  4. This is definitely the best way to start the day Carly!...One of my daughters has been showing me some flash mob videos ...they do seem like so much's amazing how they manage to organise them!
    Hope you have a happy weekend,
    Susan x

  5. How lovely!
    This is the very best way to touch people using music.
    Thank you for sharing, dear!
    I'm following you and I hope you'll follow me back.

  6. Oh wow!!! Thank you so much for sharing this. How absolutely wonderful!!!

    I'll trade, do you know this one? (You need to watch for over a minute before it's clear it's a flash mob.)

  7. OH how wonderful would that have been? The best way to turn a dreary grey morning into something really special.

    Was wondering how a flash mob could perform on a train, no room to move..........just delightful.

    I would find the smile stayed on my face all day after seeing this, thanks for sharing, even Tigger ( my cat) was watching the computer screen wondering where the music was coming from.

    Claire :}


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit, and for taking the time to leave me a comment. It's always a pleasure to hear from readers, and it really makes my day!

