Friday, 22 June 2012

CAL Monkey

Thank you for all your sweet comments on my last post.  I’m glad you appreciated our silly Jubilee antics!!!

I have to admit that there wasn’t TOO much crafting going on while we were away.  With all the preparations for out ‘Open House’ party, I’d been ridiculously busy with my sewing before our trip, and so I decided to give myself a bit of a break for a few days.

BUT, you know me.....  imposing a TOTAL crafting ban on myself (even for just a couple of days) would have been IMPOSSIBLE!!!  So, I took along my CAL monkey.  And what a fun and relaxing holiday project it was! 

Before we left, I’d made his head: 

And I’d given him a body and some legs:   

While we were away, I made all his other body-parts:

And I sewed them on.  The day we got back from Center Parcs, we had our new IKEA sofa and chair delivered.  My little monkey was ALMOST as excited as I was about this grand event, and INSISTED on having his photo taken sitting on the new chair:

For my first non-granny-square crochet project, I was pretty pleased with him.  The only problem was that his head was a bit wibbly-wobbly.  To resolve this, I crocheted him a little red scarf:

Can you tell what a poser he is???  He loves to work it in front of the camera!!! 

Now he has his little scarf, his head doesn’t keep lolling to one side, and he looks like a real dandy!!!  I’ve named him ‘Mortimer’.  I think it reflects his personality..... and it begins with ‘M’!!! 

I know that my crocheting looks a bit odd.  I wasn’t aware I was doing something not-quite-right until it was pointed out to me.  Now I need to work out how to do it properly.  Then I need to get me some pretty-coloured yarn.  Then I’m going to crochet a whole stack of little monkeys.....  Thank you SO much, Sarah!!!  You were the BEST teacher, ever!!!

If you haven’t entered already, there are only a couple of days to go until my GIVEAWAY closes (on Monday night).  So, if you’d like a chance to win a super book and some Crafted by Carly goodies, take a quick look at this post.....

Wishing you all a wonderful (and sunny) weekend.....




  1. wibbly-wobbly....I think he looks lovely - just perfect and such a cheeky little......wotsit!

    Happy weekend,

    Nina xx

  2. Aaah he is adorable and he certainly looks the part on your new sofa : )

  3. Well, I'm impressed! You made this adorable monkey even while biking around to the most fun places with the Queen? hehe. Nice! ;-)

  4. He is so cute! Reminds me that I need to finish my rabbit that still remains armless! xx

  5. Mortimer is adorable!! That red scarf could't be more perfect for him. And I can't get over the fact that he is your first amigurumi!! You are one super quick learner!! Your "not-quite-rightness" gave him incredible texture, just like you meant to do it! Were you crocheting in just the back loop?

  6. He's gorgeous. Not being a crocheter I have no idea what's 'wrong' with your technique but I rather like the way Mortimer looks!

  7. Mortimer looks like a mischievious little monkey........but very sweet with it too. x

  8. Aww what a lovely monkey!

  9. I LOVE that little guy!!!!!

  10. Your Mr.Mortimer is absolutely incredibly cutest guy, Craly! Love him! You are very talanted lady :o)
    Wishing you a nice rest of weekend and all the best for coming week, sweet Carly

  11. Love that little monkey so much!! He is so cute, and the scarf idea is a brilliant one! I can't see anything wrong with your crochet either :)
    Have a happy week.
    Helen x

  12. Oh Carly, he's gorgeous......and a red scarf was a must.
    I bet he practises camera poses when you're not looking, hehe....
    Can't see anything odd about your crocheting and I love the swirls in his ears.
    I love him......

    Claire x

  13. Your monkey is adorable! So cute :o)

  14. I love this Cal monkey...can I buy one at the open house or get one to order??


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