Saturday, 9 June 2012

Cheerful Rosette Pins

Oh my goodness!  It's been over a week since my last post - and I feel like I've let myself down.  I have been trying really hard to post at least once a week.    

My poor excuse is that we've had visitors (my sister and my parents) and we've been away for a few days - to the Netherlands.  I had planned to write a post last weekend, before we left, and schedule it to pop up mid-week.  But it didn't happen in the end.  Sorry, lovely blog readers!  

But, the past week has given me quite a few ideas (and photos) for future posts.  

For today, though, as this has to be a 'quickie', I thought I'd show you some of the little rosette pins I've been making.  Yes, it's another of my making obsessions!

I've hung them all up, along a row of pegs, in my crafting room.  I have to say that they look very cheerful and happy there, and I'm enjoying just looking at them.  I'm not sure I want to sell them now.

I'll be back very soon - on Monday.  It will be my 1st blogging birthday and, to celebrate, I'm going to be doing a little GIVEAWAY.  So, don't forget to stop by then.....

Have a super weekend!




  1. I lovely your cheery little pins! Just gorgeous colours! Have a sweet weekend! Love Katie xx

  2. Hey Carly, hope you had a lovely time away with your family..........much more important than blogging!!

    Your rosettes, look lovely hanging you have been busy...
    Look forward to reading about your new ideas .....

    Hope you have some fine weather for the weekend,


  3. they look cute! you've been busy! :)

  4. The rosettes are so happy looking, I love them all lined up like that.

  5. what gorgeous makes - so cute and colourful x

  6. No need for apologies. Sounds like you were having a wonderful time! Love this eye candy you posted today. Such cheery colors you used!

  7. Hello sweet Carly, I am so glad you enjoyed visiting with your family and went to the Netherlands. Blogging can always wait! Your rosettes are very pretty and cheerful. I like how you have them all hanging up. Have a lovely Sunday! xo~Paula

  8. What a lovely blog". I don't think I have been here before. I came via your Flickr photos (after your lovely comment on mine). Your photos of crafts are lovely but I wanted to know what everything was. What beautiful crafts you make. How are you getting along with the Annaboo CAL?

  9. Hello, Carly! Just found your cute blog via Helen Philipps. Love your sweet pins and your lovely cases too. Your colour combinations are beautiful. Hope the sun will shine for you and summer will back :o)
    P.S. May you would like to enter into my giveaway? You are very welcome :o)
    lot of love from Russia

  10. Hello Carly!...Your rosette pins are so pretty and cheerful. I definitely think you should keep some to decorate your craft room!
    Hope you have a lovely week,
    Susan x

  11. I was just about to say how cheerful they look and ever so pretty.

    Nina x

  12. These are so fun! I'd have a hard time selling them too, as I'd want to constantly look at all the different color combinations! They'd make a fantastic inspiration board... laid out grid style... pure eye candy!

  13. Lovely rosette pins, you clever cookie!
    What bright cheeriness they bring to your craft room.
    I bet they fly off the shelves when you decide to sell them!


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