Sunday, 26 August 2012

Holiday Snaps Part 1

Hello, dear friends!

Thank you so much for all your comments on my last few posts!  I wrote them before we left for our cruise, and set them to publish themselves while we were away.  So it was lovely to return to the real world (feeling very sad that our wonderful holiday was over) and be cheered up by your sweet messages.  Thank you!!!

After the cruise, we spent a few days with Simon's parents (in Devon), then drove back home to Germany.  

Now we're back, I promise to try my best to return to posting at least once a week, and to get back to visiting all of your blogs regularly too (sorry for the lack of visits and comments over the last month or so - accessing t'internet has been tricky).

I have to say (a little guiltily) that I didn't do much crafting while we were away.  I did a bit of work on my second crocheted monkey (you can see the first here), and took hundreds and hundreds of photos.  But that's it!  So, I don't have anything crafty to share at the moment.....

.....  But, I DO have lots and lots and lots of holiday snaps.  I've picked out some of my favourites to show you:


Corfu, Greece

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Well, that's a lot of photos!  I think I'll call this 'part one' and save the rest for another day.  Looking back at the holiday snaps and contemplating going back to work tomorrow, I'm wondering what our chances of successfully stowing away would have been.....

See you again soon!





  1. Hey Carly,
    Looks like you had an amazing holiday......great pics.
    Would be sooo hard to get back into the daily routine after visiting all these amazing places.

    Claire :}

  2. Gorgeous photos Carly!! Looks like you had a lot of fun and saw some really amazing places! When I got to the last picture, I still wanted to see more and was relieved when you said that this was "Part 1!"

    Have a lovely day!
    Kate :}

  3. Lovely pics.
    I have been there too.

  4. Hi, Carly :o) Your trip looks absolutely wonderful throug your amazing pictures :o) Great shoots! And views :o)
    Happy day to you

  5. Fab pictures Carly, looks like you had a great break. Hope going back to work is manageable. I go back to school next week and have the last minute panic feeling at the mo! x


  6. Great pictures, Carly, it looks like a wonderful trip! I look forward to seeing part 2! Hope you have a good week.
    Helen x

  7. What an amazing trip Carly. I would love to visit Dubrovnik. The sea looks so beautiful in your pics, sigh. I love your pic of you in your hairband, you look gorgeous.
    Thanks for your comments onmy blog. A lot of people don't get the folk costume thing and sneer at it a bit, so it is nice to have a positive comment. I love a bit of spangly folk costume too and so does Eliska! xxx

  8. Welcome home...what a lovely trip you had! It is always so nice to get away from it all...but nice to return home too. Happy September.

  9. thanks for visiting me carley and your kind comments. what a grand hiday you had. im looking forward to my trip to uk next may hopefully, as long as house sells. im also looking forward to keeping an eye on your blog. blessings, trills.:-)

  10. Looks like the absolutely best trip ever! So many beautiful places you were able to visit. Your eye for capturing it all through photos is superb. Felt like I was able to sail away right along with you. Thanks ever so much for sharing, my friend! Happy day to you :-)


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit, and for taking the time to leave me a comment. It's always a pleasure to hear from readers, and it really makes my day!

