Friday, 5 October 2012

Button Bargains!

Well, this post may be a bit really quite random, but I HAD to share it with you.  I'm sure you all know by now how much I LOVE buttons.....

Well, when I managed to pick up an absolute HEAP of them last week (and all for just 3 Euros), I got a wee bit over-excited.  I whipped the camera out, and started snapping away.   I'm not going to tell how many photos I took of my new buttons. I think that might make you worry about my sanity.  But I will say that I took A LOT!!!

And so I thought I'd share just a few of them with you.  Fellow button-lovers, enjoy this feast for the eyes!  Normal folk, I apologise!  And those of you who suffer from koumpounophobia, look away now.....

Can you imagine how many hours of fun I had sorting and re-sorting these little beauties?!?  And then the hours of fun I had putting them in my colour-coordinated button jars?!?  That's another blog post possibility..... 

Happy weekend, everyone!




  1. Bargain indeed!!!!!!!!!! :D

  2. love it!! i too am crazy about buttons! oooh the shapes, the colors...the cute tiny holes that are so attractive hahahaha...and all of them for 3 euros????? lucky you!!! gorgeous pictures too! you're so organized too! have a lovely weekend to you too!

    x susan

  3. I bet you had hours of fun :) great bargain indeed, I love the big lime coloured one!

  4. All those beautiful buttons, what a bargain, I would have been very excited too and you've made them look so pretty x

  5. I also share your love of buttons!

  6. oooo hours of fun playing with those lovely buttons :)

  7. Lovely colourful buttons i can understand why you like them so much xx

  8. Gorgeous, colours of the rainbow xxx

  9. Gorgeous buttons and gorgeous pictures of them too! What a wonderful rainbow collection :)
    Helen x

  10. You always have the best buttons!!

  11. I am soooooooo jealous! What a fabulous collection. Please, please show us some pics of them in their jars!!!


  12. i love buttons too and these are gorgeous! you can never have too many :) x

    p.s. thank you for your lovely comment on my blog x

  13. too fun!!! I have a daughter who collects buttons, and has them in tin cans, hides them so I do not get rid of them. she would go gaga over your find!!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    have a great day!

  14. Wow that is a bargain - like a colourful rainbow of buttons.

    Nina x

  15. Thanks for popping over to my blog :)
    Good to read yours too, I am a real button fan - until last week I worked in a button shop (Duttons for Buttons) where we had about 10,000 different types of button! Sadly had to give up as standing in the shop was not good for me.

  16. I popped in to say thank you for your lovely comments on my blog and ended up enjoying myself so much! I completely understand (and share!) your button obsession. I love how you've photographed them!

  17. A new batch of buttons always brightens my day for sure! Loved seeing yours in their pretty rainbow lines. What a great way to set up your photo shoot!

  18. Is it even possible to be anything other than a lover of buttons! These are gorgeous :D

  19. How utterly lovely! such pretty rainbows of colour :)

  20. What a lovely haul Carly........gorgeous colours.
    They would look lovely sorted into jars, a beautiful buttony rainbow of colours.

    Claire :}

  21. Gorgeous... button heaven! I love these pics :) (and I'd enjoy seeing a colour co-ordinated, button jars post too hehe!!) I really enjoyed your latest post... those sunflowers are stunning, you definitely have a talent for taking lovely pics :)
    Thank you for your lovely comments on my last two posts, sorry it's taken so long to reply. So glad you liked my quilts, I have LOVED making them.

    Louise xx

  22. Just buttonfest, Carly! Colorful treats :o) L O V E !!!

  23. Oh, bless you!!
    I would also be very excited to obtain such a magnificent stash of coloured beauties!!
    And I actually used to know someone with that weird button-phobia thing- but then she was a bit weird,
    Hope you're well!

  24. Only today I met your blog. Your pics are beautiful and your products too.
    This buttons,awesome!
    Do you know ? Is a blog of some friends, they like buttons very much! . We are brazilians. Sorry, my english is very very poor :/
    I loved your blog. Congrats. ks


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