Wednesday, 20 February 2013

100 Random Facts About Me (Part 3)

You know the score!  Let’s dive straight in this time:

51.  I can’t do shopping at Primark!
52.  And I hate clothes shopping in sales (especially at Next), when everything’s a mess
53.  I can only wear Esprit jeans
54.  I NEVER wear heels
55.  My favourite animals are polar bears - it's one of my big dreams to see one in the wild

 [As I can't have one as a pet, I 'adopted' one - to pretend]

56.  Another one of my big dreams is to see the Northern lights
57.  I like personal space – and don't do well in crowds
58.  I LOVE Christmas  and everything that goes along with it (even sprouts)
59.  I love playing board games - we have an entire games cupboard 
60.  Robins are my favourite birds

[Isn't he cute?!?]

61.  I have to touch something red if I see a magpie (though, otherwise, I’m not particularly superstitious)
62.  I do NOT like dark chocolate!
63.  I love Dr. Seuss 
64.  I’ve always wanted to write a book
65.  I like feeding ducks
66.  I LOVE IKEA!!!

[I always get excited when the new catalogue arrives]

67.  I can’t hula-hoop
68.  I worry WAY too much, about EVERYTHING
69.  I never listen to the radio
70.  I rarely watch the news (it’s never happy)
71.  I believe in love at first sight
72.  I love the feeling when you’ve just had your hair trimmed.  I like to swish!
73.  I love that feeling you get on ‘pirate ship’ rides, when your tummy goes funny
74.  I used to enjoy watching horror movies, but can’t watch them nowadays
75.  My movie choices are always comedies, adventures or fantasies

These were all meant to be random FACTS about me.  But I’m afraid they’re just making ME seem rather RANDOM!!!  Oh well!!!  

That’s it for today!  If you can bare it, I’ll be back soon with random facts numbers 76 to 100.....

In the meantime, don’t forget to enter my GIVEAWAY here.  I’ll be drawing a winner this Friday.  Good luck!!! 




  1. Hi Carly, I've enjoyed reading the new list of facts. So many of those you've listed are similar to how I feel! Take care. XX

  2. Enjoying reading your 100 random facts. Thanks for popping over and commenting on my post.

  3. Hello sweet Carly! I loved reading more about you sweetie! You are NOT random at all! I find everything you have shared interesting and fun! Once again we have much in common! I look forward to numbers 76~100. Have a happy rest of the week sweet friend! Lots of love, Paula xo

  4. I dont think I could compile a list of 100 things about me!! I do share your desire to see the Northern lights though!

  5. I am so enjoying reading these wonderful lists, Carly! And what is more we have so much in common, I tend to be nodding in agreement at each one :) Except the 'pirate ship' one......oh noooo I am not good on those and the first time I experienced that feeling I really wanted to get off! Wishing you a happy weekend...and looking forward to the next installment!
    Helen x

  6. They don't make you seem random at all, just interesting :)

  7. Still loving the random facts! I'm with you on watching the news- too depressing!! And I'd love to see the northern lights too! I think I saw them from where we live a couple of years ago... But I'm dying to see them somewhere where they'd be much more impressive- like Alaska!!
    Kate :}

  8. Love these fact about you....I have never heard of the superstition about touching something red if you see a magpie. I too love Robins and start looking for them around now. I never listen to the radio and never watch news...maybe that is why I am so happy all the time! Have a blessed weekend..hope you get to play some board games..I would play with you if I could. xoxo

  9. I chuckled when reading this section so many things are applicable to me as well.
    Looking forward to seeing the rest of the list. :)

  10. I just love hearing all these interesting tidbits! Although, I do LOVE dark chocolate... haha. Can't agree with you on that one, my friend ;-)

    I adore when the snow falls in the sunlight. It is extra magical somehow. I remember coming over a hill driving in the snow one day a couple years ago and instantly there was sunlight and all the haze of gigantic snowflakes began to glow with a vibrant gold. I thought I must be driving up into heaven itself. It was such an exquisite moment. I will never forget it.


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