Monday, 4 February 2013

My Poor Sewing Machine

Look at this poor, sad face:

It’s my beloved sewing machine.  He’s not feeling too good at the moment.  He’s broken!

I‘d decided to finish off a few unfinished sewing projects over the weekend.  But, just as I was about to launch into the endeavour, on Saturday morning, I discovered that my sewing machine was not up to it.  Every time I started to sew, the cotton would get caught up (around behind the tension dial) and break.  I tried EVERYHING!!!  I rethreaded, changed the needle, changed the cotton, checked the bobbin, messed about with the tension dial, took the front of the machine and cleaned him all out, oiled him, patted him on the head, begged and pleaded, and offered him a dose of Calpol.  BUT, sadly, nothing seemed to help.

So, no sewing for me over the weekend (with all these old projects to finish and heaps of new ones planned)!!!

Right now, my poor machine is at the sewing machine hospital.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they’ll be able to fix him up, and he’ll be discharged soon.....

Have any of your ever had this issue with your machines???  I had a little look on t’internet, but couldn’t find any useful tips.

Hope you have a good week!




  1. Oh no!!!! I wish I could help, but I know next to nothing about sewing machines... the only thing I know is that just about every time I attempt to use one I end up yelling at it! haha!!

    Those pictures made me laugh out loud... but I certainly wasn't laughing at the fact that your machine is broken! I hope he feels better soon and he'll be able to turn that frown upside down!
    Kate :}

  2. I know the feeling! Our machine is always giving us trouble. My daughter is the is the one who loves to sew ¨¨me not so much¨¨ and she always seems frustrated. We need to take ours in too....hope yours gets better soon. xo

  3. oh frustrating when you try everything.....sometimes just a little space and time goes a long way....beyond that i think it's a trip to the sewing machine doctor!hope he feels better soon x

  4. O hunny poor sewing machine and poor you. Its really annoying when things like that happen.
    I hope you manage to get it fixed soon.

  5. oh! poor you and poor Brother hope he's on the mend soon. I

    Amanda :-)

  6. its something we crafters all live in fear of.... I do hope he feels like new soon with a big smile! x

  7. I'm going to start sewing soon, I can't wait. I have an old machine that used to be my sisters ( I used to sit and watch her sew up amazing 80's outfits on it). I have had it serviced and it's all good to go..........but I have first time jitters! xo

  8. I feel your pain, Carly! Your life support machine will be well and truly mended soon and you will be a happy lady indeed!

    Good luck for the wait!


  9. Oh no I hope he feels better soon! It's so frustrating when stuff like this happens.

  10. Oh no, my sewing machine breaking is one of my worst nightmares, last time it broke it got stuck in bobin winding mode I was so frustrated I could have cried (probably did).
    Time to remember the love of hand stitching for a few days :o) It is amazing what you can do without a sewing machine too...especially you... you could do more of those gorgeous buttony cards :o)

  11. Oh what a sad little face ... I hope he is better soon and back where he belongs ... Bee xx

  12. Hello! I found your blog through "sewpony" and when I read the "about me" on your profile page I thought we have a lot in common! Love for fabric, for making things and going "bonkers" :-) about buttons! (also spending way too much money on fabric and crafting stuff!)
    Anyway... I'm glad I found you! and hope you can get your beloved sewing machine home soon!

  13. Love the sad face Carly! I don't have a machine - I borrow The Granny's!
    Too long since I've been over here - hope you are well..fee x

  14. Hi Carly - I know it happened to my mom's machine. It might just be due for a service and a little bit of love xx hope it comes back all better

  15. Hello sweet Carly! Oh, your photo made me laugh, but of course, it is not funny that your sewing machine is in the hospital! I hope they can fix it and it will be returned to you soon and you can start sewing! I look forward to seeing what you make sweetie! Have a happy rest of the week! Lots of love, Paula xo

  16. Oh dear. I do hope that is fixable soon. I hate when that happens!

  17. Brilliant photo! Hope he's fixed soon.

  18. I just had my janome serviced and it is as good as new. I have had it about five years. I guess like any machine they need servicing:)

  19. Hope he is feeling better soon! :)
    Nice blog - I am now a follower :)

  20. Oh dear, your poor sewing machine! I smiled a lot at this post though, remembering how my machine became poorly a year or two ago but I didn't think of offering him Calpol though it might have done the trick! As it was I had to get a new one and I'm only just getting used to it! Hope your machine is soon up and running smoothly again.
    Helen x


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