Thursday, 28 February 2013

Random Facts About Me (Part 4)

We’re nearly there!  Just 25 more random facts to go.  And here they are:

76.  I always tuck my pj bottoms into my socks
77.  I like tins and I like glass jars
78.  I like taking photos of my feet

[Our footsies - snuggling up together]

79.  I always have a cup of tea and bowl of breakfast cereal when I get home from work
80.  I love warm weather.....
81.  ..... and I love snowy weather
82.  I really don’t like rain, though
83.  I love tidying and organising things

[One of my fabric drawers - all tidy and organised]

84.  Sewing was my first crafty hobby (I started sewing about three years ago)
85.  I like to listen to crafty podcasts while I craft
86.  I LOVE Tchaikowsky's 'The Nutcracker' ballet (as you may have guessed from my last post)

87.  We have over 600 books in our house - I LOVE books!
88.  I love the SMELL of books
89.  I love the smell of baking bread too!

[I'm loving Simon's 2013 goal of experimenting with bread-making]
90.  I don't like currants in cakes
91.  I'd love us to have our own caravan one day
92.  I like dresses that I can ‘twirl’ in
93.  I love bright colours
94.  I can’t sing
95.  I have lots of cardigans

96.  I have never broken a bone in my body
97.  My favourite flowers are springtime blooms (snowdrops, daffodils, crocuses, tulips.....)
98.  I feel like I’m not properly dressed unless I’m wearing brooch or necklace that goes with my outfit
99.  I’m scared of spiders
100.  I’m a list-writer (as you can see)

..... aaaaaaand breathe!  Well, my dear blogging friends, that’s it!  Thank you for sticking around for that marathon!  And thank you for all the sweet comments you've been leaving lately.  It seems as though we've all got a lot in common (though fairground rides seemed to divide opinion).  

Now you all know me better than I know myself!!!

I'll be back soon, to let you know what I've been up to lately.....






  1. That is an incredibly exciting, beautifully organised fabric stash.

    On my last shopping trip I bought a couple of new cardigans as most of mine are getting a bit old and worn and one of my friends said "What? Don't you have enough?!" :/

  2. Hi Carly, reading your lists of random facts about you has been so much fun! Really love your beautifully tidy fabric drawer, I'm guessing you don't need to iron every piece of fabric before using it like I do!! XX

  3. Love your lists, I dream of owning a Retro caravan and I love to tidy and organise too. Love the fact that you tuck your pj's into your socks! Have a great weekend xo

  4. I'm not surprised that you're a tidy person- that sort of comes across through your blog! -it's always very neat and precise!
    How lovely to read all about you..
    Enjoy the end of your week and have a lovely weekend.
    Sarah xx

  5. Hello sweet Carly! I enjoyed reading this so much and learning more about you sweetie! It is something how much we have in common! I do hope you and your sweetie will get a caravan one day! That would be such fun! I look forward to seeing what you have been up to! Oh, I also have loved all of the photos you have shared in your posts! So sweet and beautiful! Have a happy upcoming weekend! Lots of love, Paula xo

  6. Fact 100- very funny! I'm with you on the feet pictures, the tea, and the smell of books! The smell of a used book store is divine... All of these posts were fun! Thanks for sharing with all of us!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend!
    Kate :}

  7. I love cardigans too - and I've had a lovely spa day x

  8. Hi Carly,
    It was really nice getting to know you better and thanks for being so honest! Well don't for coming up with 100 random facts, I founds it difficult to round up 11 for the Liebster award!

  9. Hi Carly, I too have enjoyed reading all your 100 facts! I'm sure I couldnt come up with 100 facts about myself though!

  10. Yes #91, #92, #93--well, all of them! :)

  11. I really enjoyed reading your list! I know what you mean about snow and sun and rain! :) PS just the sight of the jam and bread made my mouth water :)

  12. I really enjoyed reading this list, Carly! Love the photos you added too...yummy bread, and how lovely and tidy your fabric stash is, and your neatly folded cardigans....that's what I aim for but am not achieving just now!!
    Wishing you a lovely weekend.
    Helen x

  13. I've loved these posts :)

    100s of books and twirl dresses ... me too!

  14. I am jealous of your cardigan collection!

  15. I have never broken a bone either (except possibly my pinky toe once but it was never confirmed) which is bordering on a miracle since I am a horrible klutz! haha

  16. "76. I always tuck my pj bottoms into my socks"

    When I read that one I smiled with all my soul!!! This one I lOVE, and my three little me's love that too! it's so cozy!! :)

  17. Hi Carly, I like your blog :) Could you tell me what kind of crafty podcasts you're listeing to?

  18. Hi Carly, I'm doing a big catch up on yours posts and loving them. Love the feet photos, I had a good friend back in Uni days and we would do these shots everywhere we went, I had forgotten about that (it was the 80s so our shoes were probably a better option than our hair!). I'm jealous of that fabric draw, and doubly so of Simon's bread!
    I must check out the craft podcast idea.



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