Sunday, 14 April 2013

Spiral Cowl

Hello, lovely ladies!  Thank you SO much for all your comments on my last post - and for all the name suggestions for my crocheted dolly.  It was VERY hard to pick - I really did like ALL of the ideas you gave me.  I've decided to call her Molly - it begins with 'M' (so goes with 'Mortimer'), and it rhymes with 'dolly' - perfect!  

Molly and Mortimer have had a whale of a time lately - they had the house to themselves for 3 whole weeks, while we were in the UK.  

We had a whale of a time, too!  We visited Simon's family in Devon, visited my parents in Staffordshire, spent a weekend on a narrow-boat (photos to come in another post), caught up with friends, went on two successful wedding-outfit-shopping expeditions, splashed out on lots of new hobby supplies, ate some yummy meals out, ate some yummy fish & chips in, worked our way through WAY too many Easter eggs, caught up on magazine-reading and TV-watching, and stocked up on essential UK food supplies - to last us until our next visit.  

As I haven't been at home, I'm afraid I haven't been keeping up-to-date with goings-on in our lovely crafty-blogging world (I cheated - my last few posts were scheduled).  I've missed reading about what you've all been up to, and feel very behind!  I'm looking forward to catching up this week.....

In the mean time, here's a quick show-and-tell.  I started this Spiral Cowl ages ago and, at last, it's finished.

I had to learn lots of new knitty things to make it, and the whole thing got ripped back more times than I can remember!  But I'm quite pleased with it now it's done.  There are a few little mistakes, but they're all hide-able if I wear the cowl the right way around.  Shhhhh! 

I think I may have to put it away until next winter, though.  It was 22 degrees here today, so I think that spring may be here at last - YIPPEEEEEEE!!!

Hugs to you all,




  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your cowl Carly!! So pretty and the color is amazing! It's going on my to-make list once I really learn to knit! (Your top is beautiful too!) Sounds like you had a fantastic visit in the UK, can't wait to see pics!
    Kate :}

  2. It's beautiful! And I love the gorgeous bright red colour.
    M x

  3. Sounds like you had a lovely family break - nothing nicer. Love your cowl x

  4. Love it! I'm looking on etsy at the moment for another one of these. Had one last winter and wore it to death! Yay for Spring arriving in your neck of the woods xo

  5. Nice! Love your picot edge (spelling!) Have a lovely day X

  6. Lovely!
    As a matter of fact, I want to start a. Cowl in a few days.
    Have a great week.

  7. very nice! you have been busy sounds like a fun time, i think spring is trying really hard to get to us!!

  8. I love the name you my daughter's name is Molly.
    I love your red cowl as well...such a pretty colour. Happy Spring to you. xo

  9. Hi Carly...Thank you so much for visiting me today and your lovely comments about my crochet!...I'm so looking forward to seeing your narrow boat pics(I had a few days on one many years ago and it was fab!) Love your Spiral Cowl and such a pretty colour too...gorgeous!
    Happy Weekend,
    Susan x
    P.S Now I'm suddenly feeling the need for some fish and chips!

  10. Hello sweet Carly, I am enjoying catching up on your lovely posts! Molly is a perfect name for your crochet doll! I am so glad you and Simon had such a wonderful trip home and brought back lots of goodies! It sounds like so much fun and I look forward to hearing about the narrow~boat. Your knitted cowl is gorgeous! Beautiful work sweetie! The red is lovely with your gorgeous blond hair! I love your beautiful top too... very Mori Girl! Lots of love, Paula xo

  11. This is so gorgeous! I am very tempted by knitting but really, I have so many hobbies and of course not enough time at all! Maybe I'll save knitting for my retirement!


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