Monday, 20 May 2013

A Bike Ride..... and a Piece of Cake

Last weekend, we had two extra days off school.  Thursday was a bank holiday here in Germany, and we had Friday off as a ‘bridge’ day.  The wonderful weather we’d had for the previous week didn’t stick around for the WHOLE weekend, but we made the most of the sun and warmth and beautiful blue skies whenever they showed themselves. 

Now, I love the IDEA of bike-riding.  But, I don’t think I was..... designed to sit on bike seats for long rides across bumpy countryside lanes.  Although, to look at it, there’s NOTHING bony about my bum (I’d say it’s fairly well-padded), saddles always manage to seek those bones out.  And, well, the two don’t get along very well!!!  So, when Simon suggested a bike ride, I wasn’t particularly enthusiastic.  He promised, though, that we wouldn’t go far – and that I could have cake!  No more persuasion needed!

Sometimes, I appreciate a bit of firm persuasion.  Because I really enjoyed our little adventure in the end.....

We cycled to the little cafe at Schloss Heltorf, in Angermund.  I DO miss English cakes (especially iced-buns, jam tarts, scones, Victoria sponge, butterfly cakes, Devon splits.....)  BUT, they DO have a yummy selection at the ‘Schloss Stübchen’! 

Now we’re hiding away inside, keeping out of the lashing rain, I’d love to go for a big piece of cake healthy bike ride.....

As a little aside, I’m wearing my first-dress-made-by-me dress in the photos.  I know you can’t see it very well.  But which version do you like best (you can see my second attempt in my last post, here)? 

Hope the sun’s sunny where you are!




  1. It looks like a great day and lovely pictures. It looks like you live in a gorgeous part of the world. x

  2. Sill like the cowboy dress the best but how exciting to wear a dress you made! I haven't progressed beyond skirts. I really like the idea of a bridge day - do you think we could start in in the uk? X

  3. Lovely photos and it looks like you had fun on your bike ride. My husband is a very keen mountain biker but I haven't been on a bike since I was a child!!! Your dress looks very pretty also.
    M x

  4. Looks like you had a great bike ride! Lovely pictures with lovely colors!!! I think this dress looks equally cute! What's the pattern on the fabric?
    Kate :}

  5. Gorgeous photos Carly ... the weather looks beautiful ... I am a little jealous ... love both dresses ... Bee xx

  6. Hello sweet Carly! Your photos are gorgeous and so are you! I love the dress you made! So feminine and girly! I am glad you enjoyed your bike ride with your sweet Simon. What a beautiful place to ride! Oh, the cake looks so pretty and yummy! So glad you enjoyed that too! Your posts are so delightful and always put a smile on my face! I hope you continue to have nice weather and many more fun adventures and cake! Lots of love, Paula xo

  7. An unexpected fun day in a pretty dress and cake to top it off! Sounds like the best to me! Hazel x

  8. look at those gorgeous spring colours, and cute sundress. You're clearly having a better spring than here in the UK! xx

  9. Beautiful pics Carly!...(You would think someone could have invented a really comfortable bike seat by now wouldn't you?)..The cake looks truly delicious too!
    Happy Weekend,
    Susan x
    P.S You had mysteriously disappeared off my blog roll Carly so I've popped you back..I've noticed it a few times recently so I'd better keep an eye on it!


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