Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Rosette Pin Tutorial

I'm making these little pretties all the time!  They’re quick and easy – and brighten up any outfit!  They're also a great way of using up fabric scraps that are too cute to throw away.  So, I thought I'd share a quick how-to with you.....

What you’ll need:

- A 7x24cm strip of fabric
- A big-ish button in a contrasting colour (I used a button-covering kit to make this one)
- A brooch pin
- Some thread
- A needle
- Scissors
- A sewing machine (if you’re lazy like me)

What to do:

1. Take your strip of fabric and fold it in half, so that the right sides are facing each other (as in the picture).

2. Sew a 1cm seam along the short (raw) edge, to make a tube.  Remember to backstitch at both ends.

3. Press the seam open.

4. Now fold the fabric tube in half, so that the wrong sides are facing each other (see the picture).

5. Press the fold.

6. Take a length of thread (about 80cm) and fold it in half.  Thread your needle.

7. Starting just to one side of the seam, stitch all around the raw edge.  The stitches should be about 1cm in length, and spaced about 1cm apart. 

8. Pull the two ends of the thread, to tightly close the hole in the centre of the fabric and create the rosette.  Tie a few knots in the thread, but don’t cut it yet.

9. Now use one of the ends of doubled-up thread to sew on your button.  This is a bit fiddly (as you can see in the pictures).


10. When the button’s secure, neaten the underside of the rosette by sewing the pleats together.

11. Now sew on your brooch pin...... 

12. ..... and you’re done!  

Now make heaps more, so that you’re got one to suit every mood and liven up every outfit!

If you give this tutorial a try, I’d love to see the results.....




  1. Very cute! I've always wanted to try those out!
    Cheers, Anni

  2. They are lovely, easy enough to make but very pretty.

  3. These are very nice. I will give it a try sometime. Bente

  4. Carly! That's fabulous... and looks so easy! Wow! Oh my Dolly would love this! I feel some "keeping her happy on the summer holidays, outfit embellishment workshop" coming on!! hehe! Hazel x

  5. Just lovely! I love the colours you have used I this one. Thanks for sharing your tutorial :)
    M x

  6. Gorgeous and perfect for teacher gifts - thank you for such clear instructions xxx

  7. Aww this is too cute! :D Bookmarking.

  8. Great little tutorial, those style of brooches are so cute, definitely great to pin on cardigans. Love your colour and fabric choice too.

  9. Thanks for the tutorial - lovely little brooch, I love anything with polka dots on! XX

  10. Thats going straight to the top of my to do list, thank you for the lovely tutorial :0)
    Emma x

  11. It is adorable, and makes me want a bouquet of them !
    ...but needles and a sewing machine? *shiver*....

  12. Thank you for the tutorial and l will definately try it over the weekend! Pam xx

  13. So pretty Carly and your tutorial is lovely and clear...They're a lovely pretty way to decorate all kinds of items too...I can see that hours of fun can be had here!
    Happy Friday,
    Susan x

  14. Carly that is a showstopper!! and i love the simplicity...the possibilities are endless....D x

  15. Thanks for sharing Carly!! Looks like a fantastic tute!! I'm putting it on my to-make list!!!
    Kate :}

  16. What a great tutorial Carly! I'm guessing this will get lots of pins on Pinterest, and if it doesn't it so should :D

  17. What a simple idea. Thank you for sharing. :)

  18. Thanks, it's so cute and simple...


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