Friday, 18 April 2014

Monochrome Bunting

Lately, I've been trying to sort through and get rid of SOME of the thousands upon thousands of project photos I have saved on my laptop.  And, in the process, I've come across quite a few things that I'd meant to show you but forgotten all about.

One of them was the black, grey and white bunting I made for my sister (to go in her bedroom) for Christmas.  

I really LOVE making bunting!  I like the process of picking fabric colours and patterns to go together, and the cutting-out, sewing the fronts and backs of the little triangles together, and then sewing them all into a strip of binding to finish the project off.  SO quick and SO easy and SO much fun!!!

By the way, I think I see a bunting project for the Little One's room in my crafting crystal ball.....

So, here's my monochrome bunting:

Wishing you all a happy Easter!!!

Until next time.....




  1. so elegant!!!!!
    happy easter, xxxxxx ale

  2. Shame on you not sharing that fabby bunting before. Luv it, x

  3. LOVE that bunting!!
    Happy Easter!
    Kate :}

  4. Ooooo lovely :) great to see unusual bunting colours. Happy Easter X

  5. Love the bunting, I would have bunting everywhere if I could xo


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