Friday, 19 September 2014

Baby Boy's Romper

Is it cheating that I'm sharing all these projects with you now, even though I completed them a LOOOONG time ago (all pre-Bo)?  

I'm hoping that I'll manage to find a little bit of time set aside for crafting soon.....  before I run out of 'old' projects to post show-and-tells about!  Any tips for adding more hours to the day???

Anyway, I wanted to show you this little romper suit that I made for Bo.....

I found the pattern here, on the 'Melly Sews' website.  If you've into sewing, you should definitely take a look - there are LOADS of free patterns and tutorials!

It was a quicker (and easier) make than I'd imagined it would be.  So I'm planning to make a few more of them, in different fabrics.....



  1. Adorable!!!!!! ;oD
    happy weekend, xxxxxx Ale

  2. Definitely not cheating! It's super cute, and that print is just adorable!
    Kate :}

  3. Oh my gosh Carly... I come over here and get all broody!! Between rompers and matching Daddy/Bo bowties, I think I need another baby... Hazel x


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