Friday, 13 January 2012

Carly's Handmade Christmas

Thanks for the inspiration for this post's title, Kirstie Allsopp!

I know that it's a bit late in coming, but I wanted to show you some of the Christmas presents I made for friends and family.  I guess it would have made more sense to share these with you BEFORE Christmas, but I didn’t want to risk spoiling the surprise for any of the recipients who may have sneaked a look on here!  Now that all of the gifts have been given, though, it safe to post photos.....

[a make-up bag for Mom.....]

[... and a make-up bag for Nan]

[a felt flower corsage for my sister]

[a case for Nan's new mobile phone]

[my first felting project - a brooch for Mom]

[a hat for a friend's baby - great 
free pattern from the lovely Susie F]

[Köln/Cologne - giant letters for my 
sister, who moved there in the summer]

[a carry-all bag - also for my sister]

There were quite a few MORE handmade pressies too.  But these were finished-off after we left for the UK, and I didn’t get around to photographing them.  I knitted a scarf for my granddad, a hat for my nephew, and some THINGS for my dad and Simon (they were quite funny and might give you a laugh, so I’ll get some photos and share with you another time.....).  I also made a project bag for my mother-in-law, an iphone case for my sister, some Christmas decorations.....

Phew!  That sounds like a LOT now I’ve listed them all!  I’d better get started on NEXT year’s Christmas gifts NOW.....  ;-)

I’ll be back soon, to show you some of the goodies that Santa left for ME.....



  1. Wow, you were busy!! Everything is so cute! Especially love those unique letters. How cool is that?!

  2. Lovely makes, Carly. I love giving handmade pressies.

    Lots of love xxx

  3. You are a clever girl! The makes are all gorgeous and I would have been thrilled to have had any of them.

  4. Gorgeous makes Carly! Your family are very lucky...

    Have a lovely weekend X

  5. You are so creative! I love homemade gifts.
    Happy weekend. xoxoxo

  6. Such gorgeous makes! I really love the spotty make up bag and the cute knitted baby hat! You're very talented and have a real eye for colour :-)

    Hope you enjoy the weekend,
    Louise xx

  7. These are all great!! I love the shape of the make-up bags! What a lucky family!
    Have a great weekend!
    Kate :}

  8. Hi, just wanted to let you know you are a runner up in my give away, so if you can email me your address, I can send you a little gift! Thanks! :)

  9. Love the giant letters you made for your sister!
    Just found your blog recently, Love it!!
    I have awarded you the Liebster Blog Award for being one of my top 5 favourite blogs :)

  10. All so pretty, Carly! Lucky recipients ;-)

    My favourite is the felted brooch. The colours are so lovely.

    Have a great week.


  11. Green, and polka dots ..... Perfection :) I love the little make up bags- a really great gift. X

  12. I *love* the make up bags! And the baby hat is totally gorgeous too :)

  13. I love the make up bags too, and the giant letters - I so might have to borrow that idea and do our town!

  14. Hey - the hat looks great!
    Well done.


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