Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Crafty Christmas Pressies

Now that I've shown you some of the things I made for my friends and family for Christmas, I’d like to do a little ‘show-and-tell' of some of the super-duper pressies THEY gave ME.  I must have been a VERY good girl this year, as Santa was exceedingly good to me!  Although I got all sorts of wonderful gifts, I’m just going to post photos of the crafty ones here..... 

[I can't get enough Christmas crafting books!!!]

[my cute CK knitting bag]

[I LOVE Alice!!!]

[some more CK goodies]

[possibly THE prettiest Tilda book yet]

[yarn inside, strap on wrist, off you go - INGENIOUS - from madebyloumms]

[I can't get enough Scandinavian crafting books!!!]

[gorgeous vintage ribbons and CK badges]

[a bit of Kirstie]

[someone dropping hints that I should spend more time in the kitchen, perhaps???]

[a colourful crochet book]

[some shiny little birdie embroidery scissors]

Thank you, thank you, thank you, my fantastic family and fabulous friends!!!  You (clearly) know me VERY well!!!  With SO MANY new toys, I don’t know which one to play with next.....  
After I’ve had a bit more time to look through the books, I’m planning to do a few reviews to post on the blog.  If you’re interested in any of the books I mentioned (if you’ve been thinking about buying any of them or putting them on your ‘wish list’), let me know and I’ll try to review those first.  Likewise, if you have any of these books already and have tried any projects from them, I’d love to see some photos and/or hear about how it went!

Until next time.....




  1. You had some lovely gifts.Obviously your friends and family know you very well to be able to come up with such gorgeous things, not only beautiful but practical too.

  2. Oooo, Missus!
    You lucky devil!
    Where will you start next, I wonder?
    My fav has got to be the Tilda book. No, the Kirstie book. No, the cute scissors.
    Too many nice things!

  3. Wow - you are one lucky lucky lady!!! They all look fab!

  4. hello, i made the bird cushion from the scandi book. i really like it. books great. you certainly had some great gifts. xx

  5. Wow, what a haul! You lucky duck! I haven't read or heard of those books, so I am curious to see what you think of them. :)

  6. Oh my you got some nice books...tell me is that one called Everything Alice worth getting? I have been looking at it on Amazon but can't take a peek at it...what is it about?
    Happy day to you.

  7. Great blog Carly, I have the 'Cute and Easy Crochet Book', ther's some lovely makes in there, I'm new to crochet but managed to make the crochet roll hook holder as a Christmas present for my daughter.

    You had some lovely christmas presents.

  8. Nice work! What a brilliant bunch of goodies!

    I've had that Scandinavian needlecraft book on my amazon wish list for ages now (my family clearly are not as good at getting hints as yours...), I'd love to know your thoughts on it :)

  9. What great gifts!! I love Alice too!! And I HAVE to get my hands on a Scandinavian craft book.... I'm loving Scandinavian design right now....

  10. Ahh Carly, you clearly love crafting books as much as I do! I have both the first two you have shown us and have a soft spot for the Everything Alice one.

    Such wonderful presents and I cannot wait to see your future reviews of the others I haven't got my fingers on yet!

    Have a fab week,


  11. i love all the treats , goodies and books!...two of them i have and love!!!!
    i was catching up on previous postings and love your makes! x


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