Thursday, 28 June 2012

Crafting Crusade Victory

I have a crafty confession to make.....

I have this obsession with trying to turn non-crafty people into crafters!  I just can’t help myself!  I think I’m trying to help people but, alas, they don’t always appreciate my efforts – oops!  Does anyone else ever feel that others are missing out by not having caught the crafting bug???

Anyway, a few weeks ago, I had a small but significant victory in my crafting crusade.  My little sister, Jessica, came over for the weekend.  She doesn’t do ANY crafting, and has NEVER shown any interest in my suggestions that she might like to try knitting, or sewing, or felting, or card-making, or crochet, or..... (well, I did try suggesting a LOT of activities).  I’ve always thought that this was a great pity, as she was always amazing at things like Art, Design Technology, and Creative Writing when she was at school.  Clearly, she’s VERY creative, and has some natural talent for arty things. 

While she was visiting, she spotted my little pile of patchwork cushions, and said how much she liked them.  I had a cunning little plan, and suggested that she should make her own right there and then.  I’d tell her what to do, and she’d be finished in an hour or so.  And she agreed!!!  Hooray!!!

We had lots of fun during our ‘sewing workshop session’.  She picked out some fabrics to go with her bedroom, cut them out, sewed them together really carefully, pressed them, put the cushion backing on, and stuffed the pad inside. 

Here she is, working on her cushion, and being camera-shy:

And here she is with her finished cushion, still being camera-shy:

Her first attempt at sewing EVER!!!  I was SO impressed!!!  What do you think, dear readers?  I’m sure Jess would love to hear your thoughts on her cushion..... 

Well done, Jess – I’m really proud of you!!!  What shall we make together next time you visit???

And who will be my next craft-conversion victim.....  ;-)




  1. How awesome!!! One more to the club!
    Her cushion cover ir really great! Well done, Jess! :)

  2. Jess did a great job- and not just for a first time sewer, it looks really lovely.

    I think its important for everyone to have a creative outlet, in whatever form that may be, singing, dance, paper craft, even doodling with the free ikea pencils when on the phone!!

  3. I love trying to convert the non-crafty, and to be honest I don't have too much luck! My mum is always easily converted to any new craft I'm trying. The patchwork cushion is great, I'd love to make one of those. Project for the weekend I think...

  4. I am always trying to persuade people to become knitters! Its my favourite crafty thing to do but its so therapeutic. It can be as simple or complicated as you want to make it too.
    You did a great job teaching her how to make the cushion, its lovely!

  5. 'Craft conversion victim' hehe......well done Carly and Jess too. The cushion looks great, I love the fabric choices. I hope you have inspired her to continue on Carly.

    I'm not so much trying to convert people to be crafty/creative but always trying to find out what people 'do' so I can link up with them and talk about latest projects/finds/ideas.........I find talking to people about their interests very inspiring and I usually come away with new ideas and bounding with enthusiasm.

    Have a great weekend,

    CLaire :}

  6. Yes, I often chat to people about craft and find I instantly have a connection with people who are crafty!! I can't imagine not being crafty and think people are missing out if they're not! How do they nourish their creative soul???!! Great cushion Jess. Why don't you try a softie next time - lots of fun and potential for uniqueness! Suz

  7. Clearly, crafty cleverness runs in the genes! What a brilliant job she did of her cushion. Have a fab weekend hon.

  8. Well done to your sis! What a cute pillow!

  9. Yes! I know what you mean exactly, but then, if i had my way, the whole world would dress a bit boho, live in little cottages and throw regular vintage style tea parties too!
    She did very well. I love the cushion.
    To answer your question, we do have Marks and Spencers. I buy food there quite a lot. I know it has a bit of a rep as being expensive, but there are lots of things I like that are not in the czech supermarkets. It is nice to go there when you feel a bit lost or homesick. I bet you know what i mean. I think it is the familiarity of it.

  10. Wow, first sewing attempt?! Looks awesome. Super cute pillow! You and your sister must be super quick learners, and just all around talented! (Isn't crafting with your sister the best!?) And hooray for another craft convert!

  11. Super star sister - crafting is even better when shared and especially with a sister! Well done for the conversion xx

  12. Well done to Jess...your cushion is so pretty and well done to you too Carly for clearly being so inspiring!
    Hope you have a lovely Sunday,
    Susan x

  13. This is great, love it and thank you for visit my blog :)

  14. Well done Jessica on making the patchwork cushion, obviously you had a very good teacher. :-)

  15. I fully understand you! I keep trying doing the same with some of my friends but so far I haven't been successful eheheh

  16. What a brilliant first make! Jess is obviously a quick learner and you are a great teacher! I know what you mean about trying to inspire others to begin's hard to see them missing out on something so wonderful!
    Helen x

  17. Wow, what a lovely cushion! Well done Jess! Carly you should do a crafty workshop where others could do the same and you teach them how to do it!
    Would like new cushions for living room maybe I will try to make them too :) Jana xo

  18. I think it looks fabulous and a first make too - I bet you're both proud as punch....bravo.

    Nina x

  19. Ooooh boy! Ooooh boy! CARLY! It```s the cutest cushion ever! I LOVE IT! Please, could you teach me too :O)
    to your sister: Jess, well done to you! Your cushion looks amazing and stylish! Just great! Charming!
    Kisses from Russia to you girls

  20. What a brilliant cushion.I love the colour combo.Well done, sister Jess.Hope this is the first of many.I just discovered your blog through Bunny Mummy.It's great.
    Anne x

  21. Aww, she made a cute pillow! I love the color scheme. Tell her that I want one too and it would look just lovely in my home! :)

  22. Wow that cushion is amazing for a newbie crafter. She obviously has it in her blood and is very lucky to have a very talented sister to teach her. I would love to have someone close to me interested in crafting. I'd love to have a crafty companion, but alas it's not to be. I guess that's why I blog. I'd love to go to a crochet group but can't find anything hip and happening in Belfast. Oh well

    Sorry I have been a poor blogger of late. I missed your happy birthday so a belated happy bloggy birthday from me! I got a new iPhone, well new to me, so I hope to be better at keeping in touch

    Oh and before I forget your craft Open house looked amazing. I'd love to have been there. It must have been daunting but so rewarding and fun!

    Helen xx


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