Thursday, 5 July 2012


Phew!  I've had a ridiculously busy few weeks!!!

We're approaching the end of the school year, so things are VERY busy at work.  My 'to do' list is two sides of A4, and I'm spending longer adding more items to the list than I am crossing them off!!!

Things here at home have been crazy too!  I've been busy preparing for a joint 'Open House' party with some crafty friends....

And the big day is TOMORROW!!!  Aaaaaaaaaah!!!  

I'm excited about it, of course.  But, I'm ridiculously nervous.  What if nobody shows up?  What if lots of people show up, but none of them like my makes?  What if I'm too shy to talk to anybody about my things?  What if I forget something vital in setting up my stall?  What if I give someone the wrong change?  I know this is all ridiculous.  I've done two 'Open House' events before, and survived them both without any major injuries!  But that knowledge doesn't calm my nerves at all.  

I'm a worrier - it's what I do best!!!  Does anyone else panic like this about showing their crafts???  

Everything's ready (I hope I haven't forgotten anything) - all boxed up and ready to go.....

[a BIG basket full of stuff]

[and an EVEN BIGGER basket full of stuff]

[and HEAPS more stuff besides]

..... I'll let you know how it goes.....





  1. Good luck Carly. Hope it all goes well.

  2. Me ... all of the above!!!!

    But the same as you, I just seem to turn up and hope for the best :)

    Your work looks beautiful, and even more vibrant when piled together!!

    Good luck X

  3. Happy end of terming and your "stuff" looks beautiful, the colours are amazing xx

  4. All the best Carly! You are going to sell all of your items I am sure of it and don't worry you ate going to do just fine ! Imagine your customers naked and you will not be nervous that should do the trick :) Jana xo

  5. hello Carly

    lets have a little bit of plain talking here
    "if they don't like your makes they must be nuts!!!! "
    That'll be the least of your worries.

    Everything will go super well...believe me :-)

    Amanda xx

  6. All your items, look wonderful, good luck!!

  7. Good luck, you'll do great!! When I did the craft fair last summer I was super nervous, especially about talking to people... but once I was there I found I could easily talk to people and I had a lot of fun! So I bet you'll be fine once it starts, and your makes are too ridiculously adorable to not do well!!

    Have a great weekend and best of luck!
    Kate :}

  8. Good luck Carly I'm sure it will all go well,looking forward to hearing all about itxxx

  9. Lovely Carly,

    With your eye for colour and beautiful designs, as Amanda wrote above, YOU COULD RESIST? I cannot wait to read about your open house adventures. Most importantly I hope you enjoyed yourself.


    ps I cannot believe how you manage to do so much! All this productivity at the end of the school year? Wow.

  10. How did it go?
    I'm sure you were a superstar :-)

  11. Hope it goes well! I have a Christmas comes early one planned in November with my crafty friends.

  12. I am sure you will have fun with your friends no matter who does or does not show up. Your wares are lovely. I am sure someone will appreciate them ;-)

  13. Carly, all your stuff looks sooooo cute! I do love all your creations, but all your stuff together looks sooo amazing :o) Gorgeous pieces! Hope you had a wonderful party :o)
    Have a happy weekend

  14. It sounds fantastic!!!! Look at all that gorgeous stuff!

    Have fun,

  15. Everything looks great Carly!

    I have nominated you for a Liebster award! Check out my post for more info xx

    Kim x

  16. your creations are a real treasure, im using your make up bag- my twinny was saying how beautiful it is ;0)xx

  17. Don't panic, dear! I'm sure everything will be great!

  18. I wonder where is my comment?
    It vanished in the air.

  19. Oh blimey - but it all looks super lovely.

    I hope it all went OK.

    Nina x

  20. Hope you did well ,you have worked hard for it and sure everyone loved your makes xx


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