Sunday, 26 August 2012

Holiday Snaps Part 1

Hello, dear friends!

Thank you so much for all your comments on my last few posts!  I wrote them before we left for our cruise, and set them to publish themselves while we were away.  So it was lovely to return to the real world (feeling very sad that our wonderful holiday was over) and be cheered up by your sweet messages.  Thank you!!!

After the cruise, we spent a few days with Simon's parents (in Devon), then drove back home to Germany.  

Now we're back, I promise to try my best to return to posting at least once a week, and to get back to visiting all of your blogs regularly too (sorry for the lack of visits and comments over the last month or so - accessing t'internet has been tricky).

I have to say (a little guiltily) that I didn't do much crafting while we were away.  I did a bit of work on my second crocheted monkey (you can see the first here), and took hundreds and hundreds of photos.  But that's it!  So, I don't have anything crafty to share at the moment.....

.....  But, I DO have lots and lots and lots of holiday snaps.  I've picked out some of my favourites to show you:


Corfu, Greece

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Well, that's a lot of photos!  I think I'll call this 'part one' and save the rest for another day.  Looking back at the holiday snaps and contemplating going back to work tomorrow, I'm wondering what our chances of successfully stowing away would have been.....

See you again soon!




Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Enjoying Mom & Dad’s Garden

As well as crafting and blogging and shopping and day-tripping and visiting family and friends…..  I’ve also managed to find a few spare hours (and a few SUNSHINEY ones) to do nothing but read and relax in my parents’ garden.  Bliss!!!  I’m sure, in fact, that teachers invented the summer holidays for just that purpose – the chance to steal a couple of hours reading a good book in a quiet, sunny spot.

While I was out enjoying the sunshine, I thought I’d snap a few photos of my dad’s beautiful plants to share with you.....

My favourite photos are the cornflower ones – I love the colour and how delicate they look.

I hope you’ve all been enjoying some sunny garden-days too, dear friends!




Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Journaling Adventures

For the past year, I’ve been keeping a journal, noting three nice/happy/special things that I’ve done or seen each day.  I really enjoyed it and, as there were only ever a few sentences to write and there was a simple structure to follow, I completed my goal of filling it in EVERY day for a whole year.

But now I fancy a bit of a change.  And, when I discovered Christie Zimmer’s ‘Grace is Overrated’ blog, I found just what I was looking for.  Her blog is FANTASTIC!  By visiting, you can keep up with what Christie has been up to, and you can download HEAPS of printable fill-in-the-blank journal pages (and lots of other fun and cute printables too).  All 50 journal pages are free to download, and are beautifully laid-out, with cute doodles and borders that you can colour in yourself.  This is all great if you have a good printer.  But, alas, I don’t!

THEN I realised that Christie sells little journals on Etsy!  Yippeeeeeee!!!  I ordered one straight away, and my package arrived in the post last week.  

Here’s the journal:

And a sneaky peek at what's inside:

It came with a lovely little note:

And a cute little postcard-booklet to send to a friend:

AND the cutest little business card EVER – it has blanks to fill in on the back:

What a super package to receive!  Thank you, Christie!!!  I’m looking forward to another 365 day journaling adventure…..

Do you keep a journal?  If so, what KIND of journal do you write???  I'm already looking for ideas for what to do NEXT year!!!

Hope you’re having a good week!



Wednesday, 1 August 2012

My Crafting Room

Do you know what my all-time-favourite blog posts are?  I’ll give you a clue:  I’m VERY nosey…..

That’s it!  My favourites are the ones where bloggers invite you in for a snoop around their crafting spaces.  I LOVE them!!!  Seeing how other people decorate their crafty rooms or corners, and what equipment they have, and what bits and pieces they like to surround themselves with is so interesting and inspiring.  Getting to have a nose around somebody’s crafting ‘den’ also makes me feels as though I know that person a little bit better.

So, I thought that it’s about time I posted about MY crafting room!  Well, actually it’s half a room.  The other half is Simon’s 'magician’s lair' (he’s a part-time magician – you can check out his website here).  He might argue that I’ve taken over substantially MORE than half a room, but I’m sure you wouldn’t believe him.  ;-)

Here goes, then.  This is where I spend most of my spare time – at my little desk:

Above it are my noticeboard and my calendar:

And here’s Simon’s beloved IKEA Poang chair (which I’ve sneakily prettified with a couple of cute cushions):

Here are my shelves (home to my crafty book collection and my CK sewing basket):

And here’s my tin collection (all full of goodies, of course):

My chest of drawers is full of fabric, and so are the boxes at the side (I’ll have to show you INSIDE one of the days):

And here’s my clock (which I left ‘til last, because I tend to forget it’s there when I’m crafting up a storm):

So, that’s it! 

What kind of blog posts do YOU enjoy the most???


