Friday, 26 October 2012

Bags of Bags

Over the summer, while I was back in the UK, I bought lots of new fabrics.  I can't believe I forgot to take a photo of them at the time, to show you on here!  Bad blogger!!!

So, instead, I'm going to show you what I've been making with my new stash - bags of bags.....

As always, my favourite task was sortimg through my stash and matching colours and prints together!  

I still have plenty of fabric left.  So.....  what shall I make next?????    

Have a great weekend!



Friday, 19 October 2012

More Patchwork Cushions

Apart from making button bracelets like a madwoman (how many can one button-lover possibly need?!?!?), I've also been making more patchwork cushions.  I enjoyed making my first 'batch' so much, I thought I rustle up a few more.  

Here they are:

Which one do you like best?  My favourite's the top one.  I'm liking red with purple at the moment!

I'm hoping to re-do our bedroom soon - then I'll have a great excuse to make heaps more patchwork cushions!  I'll keep you posted on that project.....

Would anyone be interested in a tutorial for these? 

See you soon!



Friday, 12 October 2012

Sunflowers and Pumpkins

We went for a very autumny walk last weekend, and saw so many lovely things to photograph.  I took lots and lots and lots of snaps!  My favourites, though, are the ones I took of two of the fields we walked through.  They made me appreciate the arrival of autumn.  And I thought I'd share some autumny love with you.

The first field we came to was a field of pick-your-own flowers.  We have a few of these around here, and I think it's a lovely idea.  You just pick what you fancy and pop a few coins in an honesty box.  There were a few different kinds of flowers to be picked, but the sunflowers stole the show.....

Over the road and down the lane, we arrived at a pumpkin patch.  I've seen a few pumpkins growing  together before (in gardens and vegetable patches), but I'd never seen a whole field of them before - all shapes, sizes and colours.....

And, lastly, a little butterfly.....

I hope you're all enjoying the onset of autumn.  There's lots of prettiness to be found - you just have to look a bit harder to find it than you do in spring or summer!  



Friday, 5 October 2012

Button Bargains!

Well, this post may be a bit really quite random, but I HAD to share it with you.  I'm sure you all know by now how much I LOVE buttons.....

Well, when I managed to pick up an absolute HEAP of them last week (and all for just 3 Euros), I got a wee bit over-excited.  I whipped the camera out, and started snapping away.   I'm not going to tell how many photos I took of my new buttons. I think that might make you worry about my sanity.  But I will say that I took A LOT!!!

And so I thought I'd share just a few of them with you.  Fellow button-lovers, enjoy this feast for the eyes!  Normal folk, I apologise!  And those of you who suffer from koumpounophobia, look away now.....

Can you imagine how many hours of fun I had sorting and re-sorting these little beauties?!?  And then the hours of fun I had putting them in my colour-coordinated button jars?!?  That's another blog post possibility..... 

Happy weekend, everyone!

