Sunday, 29 September 2013

Knitted Scarf-Thing

Once upon a time, before Christmas, I knitted a scarf-type-thing for my sister.  I intended to give it to her as one of her Christmas pressies, and put it 'safely' away.  Of course, I forgot where I'd put it!

So, I saved it up for all these months, and gave it to her for her birthday last week instead!  

Here it is.....

I didn't follow a pattern.  I just started knitting a scarf, then had the idea to add some duffle buttons and turn it into a collar-thingamybob.

I quite liked it.  And I think I might knit one for myself too, if I can remember what I did.

Am I attempting anything more difficult than rectangles of fabric in my knitting yet?  Errr..... no!!!  I must get on to that, as it was one of my crafty resolutions for 2013.....




  1. Looks very classy. I bet your sister liked it too. Have a nice Sunday evening. B

  2. Haha!! I've done the same thing- "I'll put it somewhere nice and safe...." Glad you found it; it's looks cute and cozy!!
    Kate :}

  3. I love the it, the prettiest scarf ever! Great colour too xo

  4. It looks lovely and the buttons finish it off nicely. Perfect autumn colour too.
    Marianne x

  5. Glad I'm not the only one who does that! The collar/scarf looks really good, and cosy too. XX

  6. What a fab gift, and I LOVE the colour ... lucky gal, your sister :)

  7. It's lovely, Carly! It looks so neat and stylish, and just the right amount of coziness to wear with winter coats and jackets!
    Happy October!
    Helen x

  8. What a fabulous knitted scarf thing - I love the colour and so glad you found it!

    Nina x

  9. That looks great, such a neat cowl collar thingamybob!


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