Wednesday, 25 September 2013

My First 'Proper' Quilt

I've made a few baby quilts before.  But I 'cheated' a bit when it came to the actual quilting bit.  I stacked my layers (inside-out) and sewed them together, leaving a little gap, then turned the whole thing the right way out and closed the gap.  Then I quilted it by tying knots at all the points where the patches met.  

When I found out that our best friends were expecting a baby, I decided to have a go at making a 'proper' quilt for their little one.

I finished it quite a while ago, but couldn't share it on here until the baby arrived and our friends opened their gift (just in case they got a sneaky peek).  Well, the baby's here at last - a beautiful baby girl (CONGRATULATIONS VICKI AND JON).  So now I can do my show-and tell.....

I'd asked my friend if she had a colour-scheme in mind, and she sent me a link to the Mamas and Papas website, and their 'Timbuktakes' range (which they'd already bought some bits and bobs from).  Have a look.....

Isn't it cute!?!  So, I tried to pick out colours that would match.  

Of course, as always, my bestest bit was choosing the colours and picking out the fabrics.  I also really enjoyed the process of cutting the fabric and piecing the quilt top together.  I find sewing patchwork squares together really relaxing!  

The pinning together of layers, errrr.....  not quite so much fun.  And I found the actual quilting of the layers quite tricky.  I really struggled to stop the backing fabric from puckering - and my little seam ripper came in handy a fair few times (any tips on this would be gratefully received)!  

The bit I was most nervous about, though, was hand-sewing on the binding.  But it was fine!  I actually liked that bit!  It was much easier than I thought it would be - and it didn't take as long as I'd anticipated either.

So, to sum up, I have to say, I was pretty pleased with my first ever 'proper' quilt.  And, most importantly, my friend loves it!  I REALLY enjoyed making it, and will definitely me making more 'proper' quilts in the future.....



  1. Wow! It looks so perfect. You have done such an amazing jobs. Great colour matching too. xo

  2. Aww it's so lovely and it matches the nursery set so well.
    I struggle with the basting and quilting bit every time, I don't know what the answer is, apart from going slowly and being very careful. I did see a blog where the lady had masking taped the back really taut and then pined the top and wadding to make the sandwich, I tried it with a cushion top and it really helped...maybe this is common practice and I didn't know about it though !
    I love stitching binding too :-)
    Emma x

  3. Carly, this is lovely - very neat and a perfect for a boy or girl. Congratulations to your friends on the birth of their little girl. I have a quilting foot for my machine that I've had for years, it moves the top layers at the same speed as the bottom layer thus keeping it all together. I think it's called a walking foot?? (oh, how I dislike pinning too!!). XX

  4. Wow, your quilt is awesome! You picked perfect colors to go with the nursery! I just love those different colored solids and patterns surrounded by the white... so perfect! Your friends must just LOVE it!
    Kate :}

  5. Amazing, Carly! It looks so professional and the colours match the Nursery fabrics beautifully.
    I bet your friend will treasure it forever.
    Sarah x

  6. Such a beautiful quilt and such a treasured gift. Lucky baby xx

  7. This is just beautiful! Your binding looks perfect too :) I bet your friends were delighted.

    I used to struggle with the puckering you mentioned, until I invested in a walking foot. Definitely worth it and makes quilting so much easier.

  8. Your quilt is beautiful Carly and it will be treasured for sure (stitching down the binding is my favourite part too...after all the hard work is done!) I love the bright colours you've chosen...
    Happy Weekend,
    Susan x

  9. This is gorgeous and the colour schemes mean it will be use dwell beyond baby days. I am just making my first quilt and have to admit that will be using the 505 spray to hold the layers together instead of pinning. The binding is the bit I am most worried about, particularly the corners.

  10. Gorgeous as always Carly. I've never used it but Spray basting looks like its worth a try, I remember the last time I quilted it was an exercise in constantly stabbing myself with pins, anything that stops that has to be a good invention LOL. Found this tutorial on Craftsy

  11. Love the colours and design. Would like that for my baby!
    Check out my ideas at dear


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