Friday, 26 September 2014

'Daddy and Me' Bow-ties

Hi there,

Just a quick one today.  My parents are going to be visiting for a couple of weeks (yippeeeeee!!!), so I'm 'scheduling' this post in advance.

Do you remember the snap-on bow-ties I made for Bo?  You can take a peek at them here and here.  Well, he gets LOADS of wear out of them.  I think they're really cute and, as they just snap on to his vests, they make an easy going-out outfit.

Simon always laughs at Bo in his bow-ties, and thinks they're great.  So.....  SURPRISE!!!  I made him one to match one of Bo's!!!

He SAID he really likes it.  Now let's see if I can persuade him to WEAR it.....  ;-)



Friday, 19 September 2014

Baby Boy's Romper

Is it cheating that I'm sharing all these projects with you now, even though I completed them a LOOOONG time ago (all pre-Bo)?  

I'm hoping that I'll manage to find a little bit of time set aside for crafting soon.....  before I run out of 'old' projects to post show-and-tells about!  Any tips for adding more hours to the day???

Anyway, I wanted to show you this little romper suit that I made for Bo.....

I found the pattern here, on the 'Melly Sews' website.  If you've into sewing, you should definitely take a look - there are LOADS of free patterns and tutorials!

It was a quicker (and easier) make than I'd imagined it would be.  So I'm planning to make a few more of them, in different fabrics.....


Friday, 12 September 2014

Bo's Rainbow Triangles Cot Quilt

Since I posted that our little Bo had been born, I've had so many messages and mails from you all, asking how he's doing and how I'm feeling.....  Thank you SO much for caring - and for being such lovely, lovely blogging pals!!!

We're all doing good!  Simon's been back at school (work) for 3 weeks now.  I was REALLY spoilt having him at home with us for almost two months over the summer holidays, and dreaded the start of term.  But being 'home alone' with Bo has been fine.  He's a good boy - he doesn't cry TOO much, and has settled into a pretty predictable routine.  I have to admit that I still haven't managed to find the time to do any crafting since he was born.  But I'm working on it..... ;-)

So, today's show-and-tell is about another project completed pre-Bo.  This is the quilt I made for the cot in his bedroom:

And here's a sneaky peek at the quilt IN Bo's bedroom (another blog post, coming soon):

This quilt is the first I've made from triangular pieces.  I found sewing them together a bit fiddly at first (I had to do some un-picking because my rows were wonky), but it got easier after a few goes!  

When I'd finished it, I was REALLY pleased with how it looked!  In fact, I think it's probably my FAVOURITE EVER make!!!  :-) 

Which of your makes are you most proud of???

Until next time.....



Friday, 5 September 2014

New Garden Furniture

I know that, at the end of my last post, I said my next one would probably be about another quilt I made for Bo. But then I remembered that I'd taken some photos of our new garden furniture - and the bits and bobs I made to prettify it.  

So, a change of plan.....  I've decided to post a show-and-tell about the garden stuff first, before it feels too autumny to write about that kind of thing!

Knowing that we'd be staying at home for the summer this year (and that we'd be having several sets of visitors), we decided to buy some new garden furniture so that we'd be able to enjoy the sunshine right here.  

We found a set that we liked in IKEA (of course).  But it needed brightening up, I thought (actually, I was just in need of a new sewing project at that time).  So I made some patchwork cushions for the seats, and some coasters for the table.  Here they are(along with a couple of flower photos).....

When I'd finished making the cushions and coasters, I planned to make a couple of lengths of bunting to match.  But little Bo arrived before I got the chance. It's on my 'to-do' list for next spring.....

Happy Friday!!!

